sam huang
Hello! My name is Sam (they/them), and I'm a student writer mainly interested in writing fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and film/TV analyses. Many of my works are centered around identity and intersectionality, especially queerness.
writing experience
From fanzines to internships to editing stints, find out more about my current and previous writing roles!

media-related writing
As a movie, TV show, and music enthusiast, I spend quite a lot of time writing critical articles and reviews about various forms of media.
creative portfolio
I enjoy exploring different types of creative writing, including personal nonfiction and poetry.

websites, publications, and projects
✎ everything matters to me: Head Writer (2024 - present)
✎ Tell-Tale TV: Staff Writer (2024 - present)
✎ Mediadiversity [RT-certified]: Staff Writer (2024 - present)
✎ every song i've ever loved: Co-Head Writer (2025 - present)
✎ Eurydice Lit: Editor (2025 - present)
✎ The Indicator Lit Mag: Senior Editor (2022 - present)past!
✎ The Stinger: Co-Founder & Head Writer (2022 - 2024)
✎ Healthline Zine: Staff Poet & Poet Editor (2022-2024)
✎ College Admissions Blog: Blog Writer (2022-2024)
✎ Summer Editorial Intern at Nonprofit (May-Aug 2023)
✎ Mumbles & Musings: Senior Writer (2020-2022)
✎ Glass Animals Fanzine: Head Moderator
✎ This Remains Unsolved Fanzine: Writing & Social Moderator
✎ Are We There Yet? Zine: Writing Contributor
✎ The Quest of Our Lives Fanzine: Writing Contributor
✎ Camp Sappho Fanzine: Poet Writing Contributor
✎ Unmask the Truth Fanbook: Writing Contributor
✎ Asian Foods Zine: Fiction Writing Contributor
✎ A Life At Sea Fanzine: Poet Contributor
✎ Buttons Fanzine: Poet Contributor
✎ Blood & Jupiter Tarot + Fanzine: Poet Contributor
✎ I Like Pears Fanzine (Issue 1): Prose Contributor
✎ Heroes Day Off Zine: Fiction Contributor
✎ Heartguard Fanzine: Fiction Contributor

media analysis
✎ What Everything Everywhere All at Once Tells Us About Home: Everything Everywhere All At Once leaves the audience with either an aching for home or an appreciation of people who make them feel at home, especially first-generation Asian Americans.
✎ Bottoms is Exactly What Queer and Trans People of Color Need: In contrast to the common tragic narrative of drama QTPOC films, Bottoms doesn’t shy away from exploring the empowerment and joy of sapphics of color.TV
✎ How Shrinking is Changing Mental Health Portrayals on TV: By using humor and heartfelt storytelling, sitcoms like Shrinking have the unique ability to remind us that addressing mental health openly is not only necessary but also deeply humanizing.
The Issue with How Succession Treats Characters of Color: While this strategy of showing how surface-level Kendall’s activism is effective, it also reduces the struggles of the few women of color on the show to a mere passing point and trivializes their experiences.
tv reviews and lists
✎ Dead Boy Detectives Mediaversity review: Dead Boy Detectives portrays a wide range of LGBTQ experiences that can help queer people feel seen at any point on their journeys of self-discovery
✎ 20 iconic Queer and Trans characters of color on TV: As more LGBTQ+ characters are included in TV shows, intersectionality also becomes important as LGBTQ+ characters of color are still underrepresented in shows.
✎ Severance Mediaversity review: Severance has a touching LGBTQ storyline that explores the complexities of queer relationships within the rigid confines of corporate environments.
✎ 15 Beloved TV Comedy Friendships from ‘New Girl,’ ‘Community,’ ‘The Office,’ and More: From classic shows like The Office to newer sitcoms like Abbott Elementary, heartwarming friendships have always been a part of comedy TV shows.

anthropological phenomenon & corporeal form: Published on en*gendered lit mag
to be loved is to be ruined: Published in the Valentine's Day issue of Rabbit's Foot Magazine
where in the universe?: Published on debate me, bro
the inner workings of a thief" Published on Healthline Zine
family tree: In my 3rd poetry collection, I dissect a family tree patched together through hazy memories.
(sample from collection)
personal nonfiction
on how i saw the tv glow: I Saw the TV Glow is categorized as a horror movie, not necessarily because the idea of being trans and queer is what’s terrifying, but the idea that you’re not living up to your full potential, that the pain of denial is greater than the pain of acceptance, is something so viscerally relatable.on the death of my first guitar: Art exists even without an audience as long as it’s done something for the creator. But maybe it doesn’t even have to have a function.on outgrowing my old self: These are pieces that you needed once to feel complete, to feel like a whole person, but you’ve found a way to make the absence more beautiful.